Um ambiente computacional orientado por objetos para analise de estruturas aporticadas tridimensionais




This dissertation describes the development of an object oriented system for the numerical analysis of tridimensional framed structures. The system consists of a library of object classes, written in C++ language, which are designed to be used in different applications, thus allowing that new theories and ideas be implemented with most of the work concentrated in the new features under development. The result is an optimization of the time and work necessary for the implementation of new funcionalities to the system. An example of this characteristic ofthe object oriented philosophy observed in the development ofthis work is the use of classes for the solution of linear systems, developed, tested and optimized by other member of the research group. The developed system was tested and validated by comparison with a largely used commercial code. Due to the characteristics inherent to the object oriented philosophy, and the design bases for the developed system, extensions to handle problems involving geometric and physical nonlinearities, dynamic analysis, structural optimization and other problems related to framed structures can be readily implemented


porticos estruturais programação orientada a objetos (computação) teoria das estruturas metodo dos elementos finitos

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