Ultraestrutura da espermiogenese e dos espermatozoides de representantes da ordem Gymnotiformes (Teleostei, Ostariophysi) com considerações filogeneticas




Fishes of the order Gymnotiformes compose a monophyletic group, among other characteristics, by the production and detection of electric fields. They have a knife-like appearance and an elongate anal fin. The order includes five families: Gymnotidae, Hypopomidae, Rhamphichthyidae, Sternopygidae, and Apteronotidae. Recent hypothesis about the relationships among the families of Gymnotiformes were established based on morphological, molecular, and physiological data. Several studies have suggested that the spermatozoa ultrastructure characters and spermiogenesis in the Teleostei have significant phylogenetic implications. Spermiogenesis and spermatozoa ultrastructure were study, and Thirty-one characters was extract and usage in the analysis phylogenetic. For this purpose, representatives of each Gymnotiformes family were utilized: Gymnotidae (Gymnotus cf. anguillaris), Hypopomidae (Brachyhypopomus cf. pinnicaudatus), Rhamphichthyidae (Rhamphichthys cf. hahni), Apteronotidae (Apteronotus cf. albifrons) e Sternopygidae (Eigenmannia cf. virescens (1) and Eigenmannia cf. virescens (2)). The data obtained were employed in the construction of a character matrix, used in the elaboration of a phylogenetic hypothesis of the relationships among the species. Phylogenetic analysis conducted with these data, resulted in some similarities and some dissimilarities regarding to the currently accepted hypothesis of relationship among Gymnotiformes. The importance of spermiogenesis and spermatozoa characteristics in the study of relationship among families of Gymnotiformes is discussed


gymnotiformes ultraestrutura (biologia) filogenia

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