Two Shope papillomavirus-associated VX2 carcinoma cell lines with different levels of keratinocyte differentiation and transplantability.


Two cell lines, named VX2T and VX2R, were isolated from the transplantable VX2 carcinoma, a wholly anaplastic tumor established from a carcinoma induced by the Shope cottontail rabbit papillomavirus (CRPV) (J.G. Kidd and P. Rous, J. Exp. Med. 71:813-838, 1940). The CRPV genome was found to be maintained and transcribed in both cell lines, as in the VX2 carcinoma. The VX2T cells retained the tumor-producing capacity in the rabbit and the low expression of epidermal keratinocyte differentiation of the VX2 tumor cells. The VX2R cells, although tumorigenic for nude mice, were no longer serially transplantable in the rabbit and expressed differentiated functions of keratinocytes. These data indicate that the anaplastic characteristic and the transplantability of VX2 carcinoma cells to immune competent allogenic hosts may be lost without any detectable modification of the physical state and transcription of the CRPV genome.

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