Two novel transmembrane protein tyrosine kinases expressed during Caenorhabditis elegans hypodermal development.


We describe our characterization of kin-15 and kin-16, a tandem pair of homologous Caenorhabditis elegans genes encoding transmembrane protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) with an unusual structure: the predicted extracellular domain of each putative gene product is only about 50 amino acids, and there are no potential autophosphorylation sites in the C-terminal domain. Using lacZ fusions, we found that kin-15 and kin-16 both appear to be expressed during postembryonic development in the large hypodermal syncytium (hyp7) around the time that specific hypodermal cells fuse with hyp7. kin-15 and kin-16 were positioned on the genetic and physical maps, but extrachromosomal arrays containing wild-type kin-15 and/or kin-16 genes were unable to complement candidate lethal mutations. The results suggest that kin-15 and kin-16 may be specifically involved in cell-cell interactions regulating cell fusions that generate the hypodermis during postembryonic development.

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