Tv UCDB: um instrumental de marketing para o desenvolvimento local / Tv UCDB: um instrumental de marketing para o desenvolvimento local




The objective of this dissertation was to research and to analyze the university television marketing of the Universidade Católica Dom Bosco TV UCDB, in the anticipation that this vehicle of media is a marketing instrument and contributes directly to the occurrence of the Local Development. The work was carried through in many neighborhoods in the city of Campo Grande-MS. Six hundred and sixty two research questionnaires were applied to persons who had cable TV. The data analysis pointed to some interesting conclusions. First, the TV-UCDB is not a wellknown media vehicle and being in the cable system reaches a restricted public. Second, it was detected that among the three University Televisions that compose the University Channel in Campo Grande, TV UCDB withholds the first place in the market. The measurement of public audience and the identification of its publictarget are difficult to achieve because it is a technical media. Finally, it was concluded that TV UCDB has a peculiar attribution that is to extend to the society the questionings and knowledge generated in the university, making knowledge universal. The TV-UCDB is also a powerful instrument of marketing and contributes significantly to the exercise of citizenship, however it is underutilized due to the lack of a marketing plan


televisão universitária university channel comunicação plano de marketing planejamento urbano e regional comunicacion marketing plan

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