TV on web: courses of reelaboration of audiovisual genres in the era of transmedia / A TV na web: percursos da reelaboraÃÃo de gÃneros audiovisuais na era da transmÃdia


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research aims to discuss the possibilities of reworking television genres, due to transmedia phenomenon, which takes those genres to digital communication platforms. Accordingly to that, the research tries to capture evidences of change in two television genres â the soap opera and the newscast â in the edge of its migration to YouTube video repository. The genre reworking occurs due to two variables. The first one is the change in semiotic regime caused by transmedia phenomenon, whose main impacts are the reconfiguration of language macrofunctions (as conceived by Kress, Van Leeuwen, 1996) and, therefore, the change in the way semiotic entities manifest themselves. The second one is the adaptation of television genres to a digital genre material basis, conceived as a junction of software and hardware features. In such process, interactional attributes gain relevance, repurposing established relations between participants and opening new possibilities of dealing with television genres. The corpus of research is composed by six videos uploaded on YouTube, which were analyzed according to multimodal theory (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 1996; KRESS, 2010), which covers their compositional, interpersonal and ideational features. Furthermore, the analysis focused the influence of the digital genre material basis on those features. Data collected indicate, first of all, that the genre reworking happens at a creative level. In other words, the genre reworking is capable to give birth to other genres; some of them standardized ones, and some of them emergent ones. In another level, the genre reworking transforms internal features of the analyzed genres, however it is insufficient to create other genres.


linguistica internet - aspectos sociais gÃneros na comunicaÃÃo de massa mÃdia digital youtube(recurso eletrÃnico) videoteipes na internet

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