Turnover of Phospholipids in Normal and Phosphorus-deficient Spirodela


When 32P1 was supplied as a 15-minute pulse to normal Spirodela oligorrhiza plants, the first phospholipid to become fully labeled was phosphatidic acid. Phosphatidyl glycerol reached maximum labeling before the other major phospholipids. In phosphorus-deficient plants, however, phosphatidyl glycerol became labeled much more slowly than either phosphatidyl choline or phosphatidyl ethanolamine, and also the proportion of phosphatidyl glycerol present was smaller. Thus, phosphatidyl glycerol synthesis is sensitive to phosphorus deficiency. Since most of the phosphatidyl glycerol present in Spirodela was localized in the chloroplast, this effect appeared to be specifically one on chloroplast composition. The phosphorus-deficient chloroplast had a 60% lower phospholipid content and a normal phospholipid pattern, but the phospholipid which was present was apparently cycling much less rapidly. Zeatin, which ameliorates the visual symptoms of phosphorus deficiency, also reduces the effect of phosphorus deficiency on phospholipid synthesis.

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