TURISMO E OFERTA ALIMENTAR, NOS RESTAURANTES DE BALNEÁRIO CAMBORIÚ SC / Tourism and the food that is offered in the restaurants of Balneário Camboriú




The present study entitled Tourism and the food that offered in the restaurants of Balneário Camboriú had as principal objective to characterise and describe the food service in the seaboard restaurants of Balneário Camboriú, Santa Catarina, observing the type of service and food offered, the case in the preparation of the food and quality of customer service. The research was characterised as exploratory, with a qualitative approach and the use of ethnographic references. This research was realised in the restaurants located on the Avenida Atlântica of the central beach of Balneário Camboriú, the research samples were qualitative. The instruments of the research were, observation without participation, semi-structured interviews and oral statements about tourism and gastronomy in that city. The analysis of data occurred in two parts: the historical analysis of tourism and gastronomy in Balneário Camboriú, analysis of discourse with the use of Umberto Ecos model of textual cooperation. The results of the research present a history of discovery and evolution of potential tourism of the city, the description of the food service offered in seaboard restaurants, and the discourse of the people related to the objectives of this study. With the results we realised the importance of research in the area of tourism and food referring to some concerns about quality, service and food offered. We suggest other research should be done mainly trying to rescue the history of gastronomy in the region, because the study showed the lack of research in this area.


cultura alimentar turismo cultural cultural tourism turismo gastronomia alimentary culture serviço de alimentação gastronomy

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