Trouble in Babassu Tree the domestic space to public space - struggles of quebradeiras babassu coconut in Maranhao. / Empates nos babaçuais: do espaço doméstico ao espaço público-lutas de quebradeiras de coco babaçu no Maranhão.




The main axis of this analysis focuses on the construction of gender relations, whidr have conditioned aspectos of ASSEMA, a grassroot social movement. Analyzing the history of this movement in its sucessive, phases, this study aims to understand the conditions in private and public spheres. This dissertation exams the context and situations leading the socalled babassu-nut breaker women, quebradeiras de coco babaçu, to demand gender equality both at domestic and public domains.


agricultura familiar ciencias agrarias respect gender rural women - maranhao - brazil social conscience conscientização social babaçu - maranhão relação gênero trabalhadores rurais consciência social family farming mulher rural - maranhão - brasil

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