Trilogia Qatsi : visões e movimentos de mundo / Qatsi trilogy : visions and movements of world




This work is a filmic analysis of the Qatsi trilogy (Koyaanisqatsi, Powaqqatsi, Naqoyqatsi), directed by Godfrey Reggio. Firstly, it is presented a bio-filmography of the director, indicating his trajectory and some comments on each of his films. Then, the analysis of the trilogy takes place, beginning with Koyaanisqatsi and focusing the acceleration movements along the filmic passages, mainly due to the registration of accelerated images, camera movement and music-image relationship. The Powaqqatsi analysis involves the discussion of the fabulative element present in the film: on the people and actions represented as well on the own filmmaking process. During the Naqoyqatsi analysis, it has been pointed out the diversity of visual materials used, in which dominate technical, mediatic and virtual images, and their relation with the shock of two opposite impulses, i.e. chaos and control. Further, the major issues focused in each film are again considered, taking into account their relations with the other films - the universe of the whole trilogy. The opening of the initial horizon occurs relating the films of the Qatsi trilogy with those of the movement of the city symphonies, through aesthetic and some thematic relationships. Finally, it is performed a further expansion of the initial horizon, identifying characteristics of the films analyzed with elements originated from the intersection of the documentary and experimental film domains, like the frequent narratives fragmentation and anamorphic image fluxes. The intersection of these fields would allow the characterization of the filmic stylistics known as poetic documentary, that is considered to be the case of the films here analyzed.


documentary films documentario (cinema) cinema - estética cinema

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