Trigeminal postherpetic neuralgia: clinical and orofacial sensitivity evaluation / Neuralgia pós-herpética trigeminal: avaliações clínica e de sensibilidade orofacial




Postherpetic neuralgia is a complication after a varicella-zoster virus infection (VZV), affecting the trigeminal nerve in about 15-25% of the cases. This transversal study had the objective to evaluate the orofacial sensitivity and odontological characteristics of patients with trigeminal postherpetic neuralgia. The instruments used were: mechanical, thermal and pain sensory test, RDC/TMD questionnaire axis I and II (research diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders), EDOF-HC protocol (for orofacial pain), McGill´s questionnaire, periodontal form (plaque index, blending index, clinical insertion and clinical deep level measures, to evaluate the periodontal disease as well the activity of disease) and DMFT index (Add of the number of teeth decayed, lost because caries and restored). There was significant difference compared the affected and the opposite side for tests of sensitivity at V1 with cold (p=0.038), vonFrey (p=0.008), pinpricks (p=0.022) and algiometric (p=0.001); at V2 with cold (p=0.034), heat (p=0.019) and pinpricks (p=0.037) and at V3 with cold (p = 0.042) and heat (p = 0.036) and in the intra-oral region with pinpricks (p=0.021). 63.2 % was edentulous, the average of the DMFT was 28.3, the average of the plaques index was 48 and the average of the blending index was 31.6. In this study, 21 % of the patients reported lesion in the oral cavity like initial sign of the Herpes zoster. 78.9 % had myofascial pain with palpation (RDC/TMD). The main conclusions were alteration of sensitivity in the ipsolateral, even in the branches wherethere were no eruptions of the VVZ, hypoalgesia at V1 and oral mucosa ipsolateral; poor oral heath, masticatory myofascial pain and abnormality of the TMJ in the majority of the patients.


herpes zoster neuralgia pós-herpética herpes zoster orofacial pain dor orofacial. varicella postherpetic neuralgia varicela

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