Traveling waves of in vitro evolving RNA.


Populations of short self-replicating RNA variants have been confined to one side of a reaction-diffusion traveling wave front propagating along thin capillary tubes containing the Q beta viral enzyme. The propagation speed is accurately measurable with a magnitude of about 1 micron/sec, and the wave persists for hundreds of generations (of duration less than 1 min). Evolution of RNA occurs in the wavefront, as established by front velocity changes and gel electrophoresis of samples drawn from along the capillary. The high population numbers (approximately equal to 10(11], their well-characterized biochemistry, their short generation time, and the constant conditions make the system ideal for evolution experiments. Growth is monitored continuously by excitation of an added RNA-sensitive fluorescent dye, ethidium bromide. An analytic expression for the front velocity is derived for the multicomponent kinetic scheme that reduces, for a high RNA-enzyme binding constant, to the Fisher form v = 2 square root of kappa D, where D is the diffusion constant of the complex and kappa is the low-concentration overall replication rate coefficient. The latter is confirmed as the selective value-determining parameter by numerical solution of a two-species system.

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