Tratamento de efluente liquido da industria citrica por lodo ativado por batelada )LAB) : tratabilidade e microbiologia




The aim of this study, in pilot scale of laboratory, was to verify the applicability of the Activated Sludge Process (SRB) on the wastewaters treatment ofthe processing of citric fruits, as well as to determine the rnicrobiological characteristics ofthe sludge and to study the by-products formed for this wastewater. For this purpose two reactors were built in acrylic and compressed air was applied. The results showed that the reactors were efficient in the removal of DBO and DQO, reaching values of 79 and 78% respectively. It was also observed an increase of the removal of the organic matter with the increase of the hydraulic detention period from 8 to 14 hours, and reduction of the volume of the citric spilling to 4 liters. The removal of suspended solids was of 98% in both reactors during the experiment. The rnicrobiological characteristics ofthe sludge were observed by rnicroscopie and counting of colonies in Petri dishes plates. The studies of the rnicrobiology of the system allowed to distinguish the different types of rnicroorganisrns during the reaction process. The number and types of colonies varied according to the time, ocurring a succession of these during the biodegradation of the wastewater. The analyses of biodegradation of the citric wastewater during the reaction period by means of rnass espectrofotomety, allowed to verify the degradation of the compounds by the rnicroorganisrns. The recovery of the enzyrnes from the treated wastewater showed to be possible with a recovery ofO,68rng1rnL of pectinolytic enzyrnes, and 0,50mg/rnL of proteolitics enzymes. The rest period for new wastewater recharge showed to be critical for the maintenance of the efficiency of organic matter removal in the reactors. Periods above 4 hours of rest caused a fall in the efficiency about 50% in DQO and a decrease ofthe number of microorganisms


enzimas - analise aguas residuais - microbiologia aguas residuais - purificação - tratamento biologico

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