Transposition of the Responder Element (Rsp) of the Segregation Distorter System (Sd) to the X Chromosome in Drosophila Melanogaster


In order to test whether the meiotic drive system Segregation distorter (SD) can operate on the X chromosome to exclude it from functional sperm, we have transposed the Responder locus (Rsp) to this element. This was accomplished by inducing detachments of a compound-X chromosome in females carrying a Y chromosome bearing a Rsp(s) allele. Six Responder-sensitive-bearing X chromosomes, with k values ranging from 0.90 to 1.00, were established as permanent lines. Two of these have been characterized more extensively with respect to various parameters affecting meiotic drive. SD males with a Responder-sensitive X chromosome produce almost exclusively male embryos, while those with a Rsp-Y chromosome produce almost exclusively female embryos. This provides a genetic system of great potential utility for the study of early sex-specific differentiation events as it allows the collection of large numbers of embryos of a given sex.

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