Transporte pÃblico por Ãnibus e condiÃÃo de acessibilidade para pessoas com deficiÃncia: o estudo de caso da cidade do Recife-PE / Public transport by bus and accessibility to people with disabilities: The case study of the city of recife-pe.




This dissertation investigates the access to the bus service offered to people with disabilities. Its main objective is to analyze the barriers to the implementation of policies aimed at promoting accessibility to the bus service to people with disabilities. Its main questions are: how people with disabilities assess the mechanisms and the bus service offered so as to improve their accessibility to the public transport system and to the socioeconomic opportunities; what transport barriers they encounter to develop their daily activities; what are the barriers to implementation of the laws which are addressed to improve the accessibility to the transport system to people with disabilities. The case study refers to the analyses of ServiÃo Especial de Transporte â SET in the city of Recife. Interviews were applied to collect primary data with representatives of government offices, specialists and representatives of organizations dealing with people with disability. The main results were: (i) the solutions implemented by SET and the Public Transport Complementary System exclude part of people with disabilities who are not wheelchair users and who demands other needs to be attended so as to use the transport system; (ii) the cooperation between the state and municipal levels of government and between them with the associations of people with disability in the elaboration and implementation of transport policies is fragile, resulting in a excluding transport system; (iii) the articulation between the associations of people with disabilities are weak. These feed a negative circle in which without improving the perception and the political advocacy there is no pressure to improve the transport service offered to people with disabilities, and without improving this service these people can have their access to socioeconomic opportunities and social life constrained, feeding a circle of social exclusion.


accessibility engenharia civil pessoas com deficiÃncia transporte pÃblico people with disabilities public transport acessibilidade

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