Transport and circulation in the reproduction urban spatial: considerations on the subway of Rio de Janeiro / Transporte e circulação na reprodução espacial urbana: considerações sobre o metrô do Rio de Janeiro




This study aims to analyse the role performed by transports in the process of reproduction of the urban space, searching the comprehension of the relation between the enviroment built in the city and its scheme of circulation, resulting in a space of circulation in which the effectiveness is possible through a system of transport for this purpose developed. The urban transport is understood here as a product and a condition of the urban man himself, employed to make possible the achievement of objetcives and concerns from the urban man. The city, structured as system, has in others aims to allow a group of relations and offer a certain life quality, through the creation of routes to work, education, habitation, entertainment, services, and so on, causing movements and social-spacial interactions. The urban circulation is understood in this pool as an expression of a more complex and bigger process, aiming to intermediate the relation between the activities developed in the urban space, including the production and reprodution structures. Accessibility and mobility are considered factors which will optimize the work of a urban transport network, making possible the localization of the urban activities. The relation between transport and ground usage is implict in the setting of the urban network, through factors like integration and conectivity, influencing some movements and the localization of some activities (the ground usage). The complexity of the urban activities after the Industrial Revolution changed the relation between city and transport, demanding a detailed plan to this relation. The interaction between transport systems and urban projects increased radically, because the conditions of accessibility to the execution of many urban activities and the mobility of the workforce, required for such activities, are attached to the capability of urban transport. The development of the urban network of Rio de Janeiro was not limited to the consequences of the progressive implantation of transports. Its metropolitan space, socially designed, was a result of a historic procces which started by mid of 19th century, with the capitalist production mode demanding an organization of the urban space attached to its needs of (re)production. Trains, bonds and buses came only to make real an urban space which its platform was already set even before its begining, expecting only the proper mean of transportation for that (planing). The subway in Rio de Janeiro, instead of bonds and trains, did not play a prime role, it occured in a stage which was already set, being more a consequece than a cause of this space, reinforcing this way, its arranging. The decision to implant the subway in Rio de Janeiro was possible under conditions much more complex than those which can be controlled by interventions in the transport system. The Line 2 of the subway was implanted on the old rail of Estrada de Ferro Rio DOuro, passed over by bus station Doxiadis (Green Line), because it offered better rates of accessibility and urban mobility. The Integrated Plan of Metropolitan Transports (IPMT-SUBWAY) pointed at the subway as the best transport to support the new rates of urbanization and economy in existence in Rio de Janeiro in 1960 and 1970. The new rates of accessbility and mobility given by the subway in mid 1980, brought changes in the geography along the Line 2, more specifically between Del Castilho X Pavuna, optimizing the mobility of the workforce and allowing the growth of new comercial and residential bussiness in a very punctual and selective manner, and the appearing of many slums in some areas or growing others as well. The subway came to reproduce the historic role developed by trains and bonds in Rio de Janeiro, perpetuating the model in which transports exist to allow a social-spacial segregation in the city and make available new areas for investments, reproducing this way the logic of the capitalist urban space.


transporte urbano subway espaço urbano urban space metrô urban transport geociencias

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