Transmissão de energia elétrica em meia-onda e em corrente contínua - análise técnico-econômica. / Half wave-length power transmission and HVDC power transmission - a technical and eponomical analysis.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In order to connect important power generation plants located in Northern region to the major load centers in the Northeast and Southeast parts of the country, the Brazilian electric sector should deal with the challenge of planning transmission systems to cover distances of more than 2000 km. The HVDC transmission alternative, which has shown satisfactory response and performance to also carry bulk power over long distances, is already used in many countries. Still, the half-wavelength power transmission line (HWLL), not yet commercially used in any country, is an alternative suggested by some papers as suitable for this purpose. Thus, the objective of this work is to present a methodology for the economic comparison amongst the transmission alternatives present today, to thereafter apply it to the HWLL and HVDC transmission technologies. To do so, a closest scenario to that of the Brazilian case will be used. In order to perform this comparison, some details of the HWLL operation are explored, since little was published on this subject. Also, some adverse aspects of the HWLL transient behavior as well as the steps for defining the transmission alternatives to be evaluated are presented.


power transmission planning half-wavelength (hwll) power transmission hvdc transmission long distance power transmission planejamento da transmissão de energia transmissão de energia elétrica em corrente alternada em meia onda transmissão de energia elétrica em corrente contínua transmissão de energia por longas distâncias

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