TRANSFORMAÇÃO MÍSTICA NA RELIGIÃO DO APÓSTOLO PAULO A recepção do Moisés glorificado em 2 Coríntios na perspectiva da experiência religiosa




This dissertation is a study of the concept of mystical-apocalyptic transformation in the perspective of religious experience, that take the Pauline case as it subject. The researches on Paul the Apostle usually follow the traditional approach that see him as thinker and theologian. But, in accordance with some works (in the past and especially in recent times) on Paul in relation with Jewish apocalyptic and mysticism, this dissertation develops an analysis in the perspective of religious experience. This work takes the visionary ascent tradition as plausible frame, and makes an analysis of ascent narratives of the ancient Jewish literature, especially Moses, compared with Pauls reception of the transformed Moses in Second Corinthians. The result of this research was that the ancient Jewish literature testifies a pattern of proleptic transformation during the ascent to heaven that was part of religious practices and beliefs. The language of Paul in Second Corinthians, especially chapter 3, demonstrates that he was involved in that beliefs and practices, even if with particular aspects. The transformed Moses of glorious face in Exodus 34, that was received by Jewish traditions as celestial traveler, what is current in Pauls time, is the Pauline focus in Second Corinthians 3. For Paul, his condition is better than that of Moses because he has free and permanent access to the glory of God. An access extended to his religious partners, that result in a process of proleptic transformation. And because his gospel is a ultimate Christological divine revelation superior than that was reveled to Moses on Sinai. This free and permanent access that includes this proleptic transformation happens in ecstatic cults of visionary nature.(AU)


misticismo (experiência religiosa) ciencias humanas

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