Transcultural adaptation and validation of instrument DISABKIDS-37 for Brazilian children and adolescents with chronic conditions: phase I. / Adaptação transcultural e validação do instrumento DISABKIDS-37 para crianças e adolescentes brasileiros com condições crônicas: fase I




The Quality of Life Related to Saúde (QVRS) has became a component in the clinical evaluation and also in the evaluation of results of new treatments, included children and adolescents. Studies about the process of cross-cultural adaptation of instruments are important for the obtain valid and confiable measures. This methodological study, cross-sectional, aims to analyse the translation, cultural adaptation and validation process of the DISABKIDS 37 and its beginnings psychometric analysis. The study was conducted in pediatric ambulatories in a sample of 118 children and adolescents with asthma or diabetes and their parents or carengivers. Another two instruments was utilized to analyze the semantic validation. The internal consistency of the DISABKIDS 37 was calculed using Cronbach´s alpha with the softwares Multitrait Analysis Program and Statistical Package for Social Sciences 10.0. For the overall score the values were = 0.92 for child version and = 0.93 for proxy version. The DISABKIDS 37 discriminates well chronic conditions. It distinguishes between differences in the impairment of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in children with different chronic conditions. We believe that the finally versions of the DISABKIDS 37 for Brazil could be a useful tool for analyse HRQoL in children/adolescents with chronic conditions.


quality of life qualidade de vida chronic conditions children evaluation in health doenças crônicas avaliação em saúde crianças e adolescentes anf adolescents.

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