Trajetorias intelectuais e o campo da economia solidaria no Brasil




The object of this research is the process of construction and legitimation of a new field of social and meaning relations, identified in Brazil under the category of solidarity economy or some variant of this expression. The research investigates the way a symbolic community, in the sense A. P. Cohen adopts to this concept, can structuralize itself around solidarity economy and what is the intellectuals role in the process ofits formation. The concept of field, defined by Barnes as a set of nets of social relations, of practices and ideas, is used as a preference to the notion of field by Bourdieu since he emphasizes both the structure and the meaning. The research constructs its object from the circulation of categories, people, practices and, conceptions focusing more specifically on life s trajectory and writings of three paradigmatic intellectuals, Paul Singer, Marcos Arruda and Luiz Inácio Gaiger. In order to understand the subject a multi-sited ethnography was carried inc1udingparticipation in events, interviews and texts analysis. The denominations of this economy continue to be plural; solidarity economy, solidarity socioeconomy and solidarity people s economy are some of the names that circulate and are analyzed in this thesis in addition to the values and principIes they propagate. The thesis investigates the way intellectuals had brought to solidarity economy field its existence conscience and, exceeding the search for unemployment and misery solution, had supported a proposal of self-conductible relations replacing the subordination and exploration relations effective in the capitalist society. They had opened the universities for debates and reflection about profits, challenges and possibilities of economy altemative forms, and had gone to the same direction as self-conductible and solidarity enterprises workers due to research, development and assessorship, but they had also brought their divergences and disputes between fractions and organizations. The research identifies four phases of solidarity economy development, and verifies that, in the current phase, it would be transforming itself into a social movement


analise de trajetoria economia solidaria intelectuais - brasil movimentos sociais

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