Trajetórias e saberes dos professores atuantes no curso de Pedagogia em uma instituição privada / Trajectories and knowledge of the actants teachers in the pedagogy course in a private institution


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research aimed at understand the trajectory and knowledge of active teachers in the Pedagogy course at a private institution (college), analyzing their formation, their concepts on education, experiences and suffered influences in order to outline a profile of teachers working in Pedagogy course. The research was developed in the qualitative approach, using the procedure as a case study. The research procedures that enabled the achievement of intended goals were questionnaires, documentary research and semi-structured interviews. Teachers participated in the study of the Pedagogy Course from a private institution in Minas Gerais. The faculty participants were selected by a core training which is structured the curriculum of the course: basic studies and further studies integrators. Selected by lot, two teachers from each core, which had more than one year of performance in the teaching pedagogy course and which have agreed to participate anonymously in the survey. These tests results are expressed in chapters entitled: 1) the Brazils trajectory of higher education and pedagogy course, 2) the profile and career training of the actant teachers on the pedagogy course 3) the process of inclusion and educational performance on the higher education, 4) the knowledge of the actant teacher in the pedagogy course. The analysis of collected data revealed significant aspects with regard their formation and expertise, namely: absence of didactic training and preparation for teaching in higher education, the privilege of teaching and low involvement of teachers with research and extension activities, the predominance of expositive class and lack organization and development of projects and interdisciplinary. Finally we understand that teaching involves a framework of knowledge that presented itself in the classroom. This refers to the understanding that teaching is concretized through praxis, theory and practice in relation referenced on reflexivity (action-reflection-action).


trajetórias e saberes docentes ensino superior curso de pedagogia higher education pedagogy course trajectories and teacher knowledge educacao

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