TrajetÃrias de longevidade escolar em famÃlias negras e de meios populares (Pernambuco 1950-1970)




The work had as objective main to identify and to analyze the conditions that make possible children of black families of popular ways to reach a certain pertaining to school longevity in Pernambuco, in the period of 1950 - 1970. In this direction, one searched to understand as children of illiterate parents or half-alfabetion they had obtained to surpass the expectations of the previous generations arriving at secondary and/or superior education in the studied period. At this historical moment, the referring taxes of scholar to these levels of education were sufficiently low, mainly in the popular ways. The research was based on studies carried through in the fields of the Sociology of the Education, of the New Cultural History, Micron-History and the History of the Written Culture, that had detached some conditions and factors that contribute for a bigger privacy with the school, and/or the reading and the writing of individuals of "inheriting" families not. Two families with the characteristics above cited had constituted the object of this research. The verbal depositions, carried through under the estimated ones of "verbal history", had constituted the main source of the work. We observe that conditions propitiated for the family, the school and other external factors had existed, that make possible the pertaining to school longevity of these individuals. In the familiar instance: the permanent accompaniment of the family, over all the busy basic paper for the mother; the paper of the brothers oldest; the domestic daily routine that privileged the study; among others. In relation to the school we evidence the role played for the pertaining to school institutions in each level of education; the anticipation of the scholar; the adequacy of the citizen to the pertaining to school world; the construction of auto-esteem positive; among others. In relation to other external factors, the insertion in the urban culture in this educative process (the existence and the frequency the libraries, cinemas); the paper of the religion; the presence of an external individual to the familiar nucleus; it contributed for these trajectories. This study it made possible to more good understand the proper formation of the individual as a social being capable to surpass limits and barriers that would become improbable its access and its permanence in the pertaining to school system, having the family, the school and other factors contributed for this trajectory of scholar, in a historical period where superior levels of education did not have the people of popular ways as main public


history of education histÃria da educaÃÃo school longevity escolarizaÃÃo de famÃlias negras scholar of black families educacao longevidade escolar

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