Tradição e renovação: a arquitetura dos mosteiros beneditinos contemporâneos no Brasil / Tradition and renewal: the contemporary architecture of benedictine monasteries in Brazil




Study about architecture of main Benedictine monasteries built in Brazil during second half of XXth. Century, when the concurrency of evolutive habits and new commentaries of religious monastic rules, lead to new meanings of the monastic building. From this renovation process an heterogeneous production was resulted, introducing changes in the traditional architectonic program of the monasteries, and to know them requires an specific and deeper analysis, because they have a few systematic data available. By the analysis of six contemporary and emblematic works from that production, a couple by Hans Broos, this study aims identify the architectonical contributions in the projects for Benedictine monasteries and to investigate their adequacy to the devises of a consecrated communitarian life, linked with liturgy and fine arts, clarifying basic requirements to a knowing and critics of this kind of production. Most of all, the study aims to contribute to an analysis of the process of renovation of Brazilian religious architecture, a very few researched theme in the panorama of national architectonic history.


arquitetura contemporânea (brasil) religious buildings (brazil) edifícios religiosos (brasil) mosteiros beneditinos (brasil) benedictine monasteries (brazil) contemporary architecture (brazil)

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