Tracking of student learning in distance courses through the Web: methodologies and tool. / Acompanhamento do aprendizado do aluno em cursos à distância através da Web: metodologias e ferramenta.




The increase in the number of distance courses in the Web has caused much reflection on how to track the student’s evolution through this course. In a live course it is possible for the teacher to observe and manage the learning process through safer and more concrete ways, once the participants are in constant physical contact. In addition, in a distance course the student usually determines how many hours he must study as well as when he will be studying. This will demand a bigger effort on the part of the teacher to track students once he may have to analyse different moments of the course at the same time. The choice of methods to track the stucent’s evolution in an on-line course is always very difficult to be made and it must be suitable to the specific needs of the studied context. This work presents pedagogical concepts related to tradicional learning evaluation as well as distance course managing environments through the Web, having these as the foundations of the proposals made in this dissertation. The alternatives presented, in an interactive environment and through objective tests, in order to have a formative evaluation, have as their main goal to track the development of the student in the learning process. As a result of the application of methodology for the construction of objective tests, a tool named AvaliaOnline was obtained, whose aim is to create and apply multiple-choice type questions to problems that have numerical values and formulas or algorithms related to their resolution. The tool allows the numerical values in the description of a question to be modified every time it is presented, through random sorting out of these values, which will be used for the resolution of the problem, that is, the correct answer of the question is produced at the moment of its exhibition. Besides, it is possible to establish dependence among the test questions, building a tree of questions where the teacher verifies the “path” followed by the student during the test, providing support for more detailed tracking on the resolution of the student. At the end of this work, practical examples are presented on the use of interactive tools to track the student and on the creation and application of a test developed through the tool AvaliaOnline. The experiments made show the potencial of such alternatives once they are used in a suitable context and under teacher tracking with.


distance education ferramenta parametrizada metodologia de avaliação parameterized tool tree of objective questions educação à distância concepts of learning assessment árvore de questões objetivas methodology to evaluation conceitos sobre avaliação da aprendizagem

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