Trabalho penitenciÃrio: dos fios que tecem os discursos




The discourses about prisions converge to a point that locates labour as an essential activity to a resolution in great part of the most serious problems of the brazilian penitentiary sistem. Nevertheless the penitentiary labour being a acquired right, by law, it is meaningless the number of prisions that maintain productive activities incorporated to daily routines. This thesis, which concentrates in the fields of politias and social rights, looks for answrs for this problematic, focussing on subjective aspects in herent to presidiary matlers and, in this aspect the boundary stones of the Analysis of Speech have guided our sight. We tryed to analise these essays about penitentiary labour taking into account the intercross between two means; the first one refers to the ambiguous elements that constitutes labour: punishment and liberty, that appear in distincts theorctical lines; that apper in refers to the forms of social control, specially the confinement that converges from statute of deposit of convicts waiting for their death, their own sentence, where the condemmed, mainly through his labour can be reformed and can be reintegrated into society. The corpus to analysis was constituted by the summaries of Lei de ExecuÃÃo Penal (LEP, n. 7210/84), by speechs of the arrested fellows of the Penitenciary Baldomero Cavalcante â in Maceià state of Alagoas, and by the discourses of the free fellows, directly or indirectly in charge by the referred arrested fellows. This study gave us understanding of the meaning of a job / labour of the free world doesnât correspond to the meaning for the reclusional world, the attempt to make a correspondence between these two different worlds has been amongst all a difficult task been amongst all a difficult task to implement labour activity inside the prisions


libertaÃÃo servico social direitos sociais castigo sistema penitÃnciÃrio brasileiro

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