Trabalho, etica e emancipação humana : da subvalorização do trabalho a sobrevalorização da etica e da politica




The innumerable transformations that have occurred in the world of work during the 20th century, in addition to having altered the technical-organizational structures of companies and the composition of the working classes, have also had a profound impact on contemporary social theories, especially on Marxism and its variants. In this sense, the critiques formulated by uncountable authors, including Arendt, Habermas, Offe, Gorz and Méda, are significant. These critiques are in regards to the question of work in Marx and, as an extension of this, his emancipatory proposal which has as its aim the emancipation of work and the necessary dispensability of the state and of the market as spheres of social regulation. Essentially, these critiques, based on a particular reading of the social-economic and technical-organizational mutations that took place in the world of work this century, aim to overturn the idea of work as a central activity in the subjective formation of individuais and, as a consequence, the impossibility of making it an autonomous activity. To achieve this, invariably, they reduce work to its technical, procedural dimension, that is, they deny or undervalue its social-formative dimension, categorizing the characteristics of its execution under the aegis of capital. Because of this, these authors present emancipatory proposals which do without the subversion of work and which, as a consequence, have as an objective the orientation of social battles for the constitution of "feasible duaI societies" that have as their decisive characteristic the external control of the economic sphere. In other words, through tendencies managed and developed through discussion in "sovereign and democratic forums and assemblies", the control of the economic sphere must be carried out externally, by the state and its policies. Therefore, despite the inevitable differences that exist between these emancipation proposals, the politicalness, the ontopositive conception of politics, is a characteristic common to all. 80, through the study of the social-formative dimension of work, of the working class as a social subject of the emancipation and of the inherent limits to political emancipation, we will present some doubts regarding the feasibility of these proposals


politica sociologia politica etica trabalho

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