Trabalho e desenraizamento operário: um estudo de depoimentos sobre a experiência de vida na fábrica / Labour and workers` uproot: a study about life experience in the workshop metallurgy




The goal of this research is to discuss contemporary manufacturing workers´ uproot. From the author´s masters´ field research on, we elaborated an issue itinerary (themes and questions) for long duration interviews. We interviewed nine manufacturing workers that work or worked recently in different workshop metallurgies in the region of ABC paulista. The intention was to permit that the own workers would recall experiences and by those memories would discuss the proposed issues. The objective was to reach the way of living and meaning their working conditions, giving special attention to work experiences in the context of recent transformations on the productive organization. This discussion contributed to the debate on the transformations of the manufacturing work organization, the productive restructuration and its effects on the workers´ lives. Simone Weil (1996), her diaries written in workshop metallurgies and more broadly her whole written work were a key-reference to this investigation: she defends that the main workers´ problem is the impossibility of participating on the work organization, the splitting between planning and execution of the activities, the operations´ acceleration and automating, the workers´ isolation, the interruption on the relation between past and future, the humiliation of a life that happens continuously under command and as a production tool; Weil also defends that the workers´ humiliation is never out of answer. The thesis that we propose is that the capitalist organization of work represents a wound on the need of rooting and is necessarily linked to a social humiliation situation.


trabalho desenraizamento social labour psicologia social social uproot social psychology

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