Trabalho docente com softwares educacionais: estudo de caso sobre projeto de informática com alunos do ensino fundamental I em uma escola na rede pública estadual




This work aims the analysis of the possibilities of working with projects using the computer in teaching practice. This research shows the experience of a pedagogical project realized in a school in Mauá City, São Paulo State, in Brazil. This project had been happening for four years (from 2003 until 2006). The aim was centered in the experience of teachers and students from second to fifth year, using new technologic resources, inside a methodological perspective that the grow of knowledge in an interdisciplinary action. Through three of studying: Technologies, teachers formation and project of work allowed us to reflect and analyze the paper of computing in the historical national scenery, just as, in establishing a discussion of the meaning about the use of computer in the scholar environment , and about the paper of the teacher in this context by the new educational paradigm. The teachers could see many possibilities that the computer represents in the process of learning. They signalized some difficulties in pedagogical aspect and in a development of a project using the computing laboratory of the school.


ciencias humanas learning and teaching formação docente educational software technologies of information and communication tecnologias de informação e comunicação softwares educacionais ensino aprendizagem teachers education

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