Trabalho, ambiente e saúde : percepções de um grupo de trabalhadores




We know the role which work plays in human life, intermediating peoples insertion in social and professional world. Along times, new ways of production and organization of work have been elaborated, with rising changes of conditions and ways of working. In front of these changes, workers health risk factors surpassed work environment, by the incorporation of cultural, political and economical meaning imposed by society. Considering this new reality in work world, this research describes workers perception on industrial line of production about the relation between work, environment and health; it identifies risk factors related to the practice of work activity within the line of production and it suggests optimizing and implementing instructional practices in this Industry. Qualitative approach was chosen, with a descriptive study, in which 13 employees oven Industry in Fortaleza, Ceará participated in 2005. As instruments of data collection free observation, field diary and semi-structured interview were used, based on Collective Subject Discourse. This discourse showed that mans relation with his work has contradictory, ambiguous and worthy sensations. Work activity offers the joy of being productive, of providing family with demanded goods and the possibility of enjoy economic, social and cultural benefits. The subjects verbalize the conflict moments, due to the damage that work causes to health, to social and familiar environment, due to extra-time work, stress and tiredness after work time. Another discourse denies that there is relation between work and health. The presence of physical, chemical and ergonomical risks, among other, was identified in the collective discourse. We conclude that the great part of these workers identifies that work interferes in health in both familiar and social areas, however, the understanding of this interference deserves to be improved. In this sense, Health Education principles can positively contribute and conduct the required changes to optimize work environment and familiar, social and cultural relations.


doenÇas ocupacionais - dissertaÇÕes educaÇÃo em saÚde - dissertaÇÕes saude coletiva

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