Toda verdadeira historia é história contemporanea : a historiografia como passado-presente na obra de Benedetto Croce




This dissertation aims at discussing the chief theoretical and methodological elements inc1uded in the canon of historiographic interpretation as developed by the ltalian historian and philosopher Benedetto Croce (1866-1952), according to whom "every true history is contemporary history". It seeks to analyse the central premises upon which the author postulated the essentially contemporary character underlying historica1 knowledge, a theory developed in his works Teoria e storia de/Ia storiografia (1917) and La storia come pensiero e come azione (1938). This dissertation contains four primary parts. In the first one, the whole of Croce s work is contextualised within Italy s political and intellectual atmosphere between last century s second half and the first half of the current one. Next, Vico, Hegel and Marx s remarkable influence on Croce s theory ofhistory is identified. In the third part, a systematic study of Croce s Teoria e storia della storiografia and La storia come pensiero e come azione is carried out and the main arguments provided by the author to support the theory of history s contemporaneity are discussed. ln the last part, Final Considerations, some elements relative to Croce s ideas topicality within the context of the last part of XXth century s historiography are made evident


teoria do conhecimento historiografia

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