Tissue-specific alternative splicing of the Drosophila dopa decarboxylase gene is affected by heat shock.


The Drosophila dopa decarboxylase gene, Ddc, is expressed in the hypoderm and in a small number of cells in the central nervous system (CNS). The unique Ddc primary transcript is alternatively spliced in these two tissues. We investigated whether Ddc splicing in the CNS is a general property of the CNS or a unique property of the cells that normally express Ddc by expressing the Ddc primary transcript ubiquitously under the control of an Hsp70 heat shock promoter. Under basal expression conditions, Ddc splicing shows normal tissue specificity, indicating that the regulation of Ddc splicing in the CNS is tissue specific rather than cell specific. Previous studies have shown that severe heat shock blocks mRNA splicing in cultured Drosophila melanogaster cells. Our results show that splicing of the heat shock-inducible Hsp83 transcript is very resistant to heat shock. In contrast, under either mild or severe heat shock, the splicing specificity of the heat shock-induced Ddc primary transcript is affected, leading to the accumulation of inappropriately high levels of the CNS splice form in non-CNS tissues. The chromosomal Ddc transcript is similarly affected. These results show unexpected heterogeneity in the splicing of individual mRNAs as a response to heat shock and suggest that the Ddc CNS-specific splicing pathway is the default.

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