Tirosyne hydroxilase as a marker of sympathetic drive within skeletal muscle and renal arterioles of normotensive rats: effects of physical training. / Tirosina hidroxilase como marcador da atividade simpática em artérias musculares esqueléticas e renais de ratos normotensos: efeitos do treinamento fisico.




Exercise training (T) does not reduce pressure in normotensive, but causes peripheral and central adjustments on cardiovascular system, mediated by autonomic nervous system. In this study we investigated whether T (55% maximal exercise capacity) is able to change vascular sympathetic drive to skeletal muscle (locomotor, non-locomotor), kidney and adrenals, using immunohistochemistry and western blot for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). T improved performance (+0,07±0,06 Km/h) and reduced resting HR (from 327±7 to 308±10 bpm) without changing MAP (126mmHg) and arterioles wall/ lumen ratio in any tissue. T caused 48% decrease on TH-immunoreactivity of exercised muscles arterioles, without changes on non-exercised tissues. Norepinephrine concentration on femoral arteries was reduced after T. There was no change on adrenal. TH content. Decreased sympathetic drive to skeletal muscles arterioles (without changes on plasma cathecolamines) is a beneficial, tissue-specific effect in normotensive individuals.


wky normotenso tirosina hidroxilase wky normotensive tirosyne hydroxilase arteríolas sympathetic nervous system treinamento físico sistema nervoso simpático arterioles exercise training

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