Tipo e cotipo : caracterização via funções de Rademacher generalizadas e contribuições a teoria de aplicações multilineares e polinomios homogeneos em espaços de Banach




The main purpose of this thesis is to study the connections between the notions of type and cotype, the generalized Rademacher functions and the theory of multilinear mappings and homogeneous polynomials in Banach spaces. In chapter 1 we prove that the traditional Rademacher functions can be replaced by the generalized ones in the definitions of type and cotype in complex Banach spaces. It is also shown that there are standard type Kahane inequalities for the generalized Rademacher functions. Next we provide new applications of the notions of type and cotype to the theory of multilinear mappings and homogeneous polynomials in Banach spaces. In chapter 2 we show how the notion of type can be used to construct LebesgueBochner spaces-valued multilinear mappings and homogeneous polynomials. With the help of the notion of cotype, in chapter 3 we prove several results about absolutely summing multilinear mappings and homogeneous polynomials


polinomios banach espaços de espaços generalizados

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