Tipificação de produtores rurais apoiada em imagens de alta resolução espacial, geoprocessamento e estatistica multivariada




The difficulty of gathering relevant information on land use and agricultural production in Brazil - a task hindered by the vastness of its territory, the dynamic of land use and the lack of financial resources - prevents the updating of cartographic and numerical data via agricultural census. The last, carried out every 10 years, is already obsolete when it is published and the same is true of land and ownership register. In addition, there is a lack of methodology concerning the collection of updated data on land use and its occupation, classification of farmers and characterisation of agricultural production systems. Thus , putting into action adequate public policies is practically impossible for there is not a reliable and updated source of information upon which these policies can draw. As it happens in most Brazilian counties, in Holambra, state of São Paulo, there is no detailed information on the rural area, even though the local agricultural authorities (Casa de Agricultura and Conselho Municipal de Desenvolvimento Rural ) have demanded that data be provided. The present research aims at building a tipology of the farmers in Holambra, making use of the tools provided by geoprocessing and satellite images with high spatial definition and by multivaried statistics and through the identification of the current land use and agricultural parcels. The methodoly was supported by two topics: geoprocessing and statistical analysis ( Analysis of Multiple Correspondence ). The first has used high spatial image satellite in the landuse/parcels identification and Geographical Information System in data integration. The second has drew correlations between the sample of smallholders and the variables selected, followed by Ward s cluster analysis so as to classify the different kinds of agricultural production. The results have shown that there are six types of smallholders : "Agrianuais" (Type 1), "Floricultores"(Type 2), "Agrocitricultores"(Type 3), "Florescitricultores" (Type 4), "Agropecuaristas" (Type 5) and "Agrofloricultores" (Type 6). From the data analysed it is possible to conclude that in Holambra prevails a entrepreneurial kind of agriculture based on heavy use of agricultural inputs and mechanisation. The methodology proved to be consistent with the cases studied in this research thus representing an effective approach to future studies on natural resources investigation, environmental, social and economical impact evaluation and analysis in Agriculture, agricultural sustainability analysis and temporal space research on land use.


analise fatorial sensoriamento remoto sistemas de informação geografica planejamento agricola satelites artificiais em sensoriamento remoto

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