Three-phase generalized state estimation / Estimação de estado generalizada trifasica
Madson Cortes de Almeida
Since its introduction in 1969 by Fred C. Schweppe, J. Wildes and D. Rom, the power system state estimation has been widely studied. The state estimation is evolving to a more detailed modeling, which considers state variables not commonly used in bus/branch system modeling. A generalized state estimation model, in which switches and circuit breakers are represented, was proposed in 1993 by A. J. Monticelli. In this work the generalized state estimation approach is applied to a three-phase power system model, where the unbalanced loads and the asymmetric nature of the system are considered. This treatment provides a more precise real-time model and, consequently, a more precise estimated state. Moreover, it allows that the same state estimation model be applied to both transmission and distribution systems. The three-phase state estimator has been implemented with gain matrix and Hachtel s sparse tableau approaches. Details about differences between the three-phase model and single-phase models are presented. In observability analysis a new method based on minimum norm solution has been introduced, and represents the main contribution of this work. The observability analysis based on gain matrix factorization have also been implemented for comparison purposes. Finally, in the bad data detection and identification, the normaIized residuaIs method and the normalized Lagrange multipIiers method have been implemented
state estimation three-phase networks sistemas de energia eletrica - estimação de estado redes trifasicas observability restoration generalized networks gross errors detection and identification estimação de estado generalizado
- Análise de observabilidade e de redundância de medidas no contexto de estimação de estado trifásica
- Estimation of Three-Phase Induction Motor Equivalent Circuit Parameters from Manufacturer Catalog Data
- Experimental dynamic evaluation of three-phase reactors
- Controle vetorial de velocidade de uma máquina de indução sem mancais trifásica com bobinado dividido utilizando estimação neural de fluxo
- Mathematical modeling of a three-phase trickle bed reactor