Thermodynamic description of Langmuir monolayers via mean-field models / Emprego de modelos de campo médio para descrição termodinâmica de monocamadas de Langmuir




Insoluble monolayers lying on a liquid surface are known for about one century. They are formed when amphiphilic molecules are deposited on some solvent under special conditions. Under isothermal compression, these systems may exhibit a complex behavior suffering several phase transitions. Although with recent experimental development on the area new insights on the phase transitions were obtained, many questions remain unanswered. Some of these questions are related with the influence of some variables like the intramolecular conformations and the interaction between the amphiphilic molecules and the solvent molecules. In order to fill this gap molecular models are a useful and valuable tool. So, it was employed three different mean-field models in order to describe phase transitions of the molecules. The difference between the models relies on the behavior of the hydrophobic tails lifted on the air. Such models proportioned some insight on the phase transitions of the system.


campo médio langmuir isotherms mean field isotermas langmuir

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