Therapeutic accompaniment: clinical, political and social paths for the brazilian psychiatric reform / Acompanhamento terapêutico: caminhos clínicos, políticos e sociais para a consolidação da reforma psiquiátrica brasileira




Therapeutic Accompaniment (TA) is a device of a cross sector nature because it can interact with interdisciplinary and intersected areas, like the Social and Psychic Help Center (Centro de Atenção Psicossocial), crossing or being a component of an infinity of collectively built projects that can broaden the meaning of life of a subject. Starting from that premise, this research defines TA as the study object that acts as a device of intervention in the life of a woman who uses mental health public services and the interferences resulted from this device in her life related to her social interactions. It is a qualitative research that uses the Case Study as a methodological procedure for collection and comprehension of empirical data. Therefore, this study proposes to face the following questions: Does TA produces real changes in the lives of its subjects? What types of changes are produced in the internal transferential field, services offered and the care network? Is it self-sustainable or does it depend on an amplified network by territorial services? TA origins takes place in private institutions and only very timidly is used by public health services. The use in public services doesnt take place in an established form and its officialization in health care is not easy. It was found that the term therapeutic accompaniment and its financing procedures disappeared from the current legislation. It used to be part of the SNAS Bill number 189 of November 19th of 1991 (Portaria SNAS n°189 de 19 de novembro de 1991). This TA annulment of public policies is viewed on this research as not only a contradiction of the Brazilian Heath Care Program (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS) but also of the Psychiatric Reform, that suggests territorial actions, cross sectoring, articulation of networking services and articulation of territorial resources for mental health management. The result is the inaccessibility of the TA device to the ones that could benefit from it as it was proved on the case study analyzed. The study scenario differentiates itself because it triggers this device and builds, with the therapeutic companion, an enriching path and offers accessibility to new territories to the K. However, this paper questions why workers of public mental health system do not take the transforming responsibility of TA and its consequent legitimization in public and collective sphere, the stage of actions and connections of network, which are auspicious for a more broaden meaning of life. This paper sustains that TA is, in the field of public mental health, a device that is becoming more sophisticated through its historical process with the questioning of its strictly clinical mission and its willingness to face the challenges to restart dialogue and to establish a connection with public policies


psicologia social deinstitutionalization health policies therapeutic accompaniment acompanhamento terapêutico desinstitucionalização política de saúde social psychology

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