Theoric and practical in carrier guidance / Teoria e pratica na orientação profissional




This research legitimated a Career Guidance Service at University in Mato Grosso state in Cáceres-MT, regional University headquarter placed in Pantanal, Brazil. Objectived to collaborate with adolescents choose their careers, and minimizing the information few in high school relationships a matter, their wrong choices has been evasion in the colleges degreies. The thesis adds has brought academical theoric-practical contributions related in matter. The methodology used was a qualitative, a quantitative, and sociometrics analyses. Studies making use of biographical and in the field research through interviews with chancellors, principals, coordinator, questionnaires for teachers and students and vocation training for teachers from public and private high schools. The globalization makes a cultural mass, decentralizing the subject where identities have been homogenized according to the consumption established by the market orbit. In this context, adolescents have been confused about future careers, and Education has not met the aesthetic paradigm. Public politics focused on Career Guidance minimize the few information, the doubt choose careers, and evasions when helping to center people and so they contribute to more assertive choices and personal and professional satisfaction of flexible organizations and social wellness.


psicodrama psychodrama dramatic games career guidance identity orientação profissional adolescence adolescencia identidade jogos dramaticos

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