Theology of prosperity discourses in Pentecostal evangelical churches. Study of rhetorica and argumentation in the religious cult / O discurso da teologia da prosperidade em igrejas evangélicas pentecostais. Estudo da retórica e da argumentação no culto religioso




This thesis aims to study the rhetorical-argumentative resources, based on Perelman and Olbrechts-Tytecas classification, and apply them to the Theology of Prosperity discourses in eight Pentecostal and Neo-Pentecostal evangelical churches, recorded preferably in loco and in audio. Such an objective is linked to the wish of having the rhetorical readings used more popularly by the audience, so that it could be more efficiently prepared to the discourses, which intend to be efficient to it. This study was developed based on the transcribed discourses, according to NURC project techniques - project which studies the Standard Portuguese spoken by collegeeducated speakers. With the analysis we could identify a moderate use of such a Theology in the Pentecostal churches, probably influenced by the intense use in Neo-Pentecostal ones.


teologia da prosperidade argumentação argumentation neo-pentecostalism discurso new rhetoric theology of prosperity discourse pentecostalism pentecostalismo nova retórica neopentecostalismo

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