Theology of liberation in sandinist Nicaragua / Teologia da libertação na Nicarágua sandinista




The present study has the objective to analyse the production of political and cultural imaginariness oriented by the Theology of Liberation during the sandinist government in Nicaragua (1979-1990) trying to demonstrate the mixture of religion and revolution. Our intention is to investigate how were constituted the imaginariness expressed on political and religious speeches, newspapers, books, spelling books, music, poems and visual materials produced by members of the Base Communities (CEBs) acting in Nicaragua, with the goal to increase the adherence of popular sectors to the Sandinist Revolution. We attempt inquiring in what extension a community of faith acted through the culture, the education and political actions, with the objective to collaborate with the revolucionary project of the Sandinist National Liberation Front (FSLN). One question here presented is the one of the identification between the revolucionay ideals in power that were oriented by marxist conceptions and the christian ones that, with the Vatican II Council and the Conferences of Medellin and Puebla, made a preferred option for the poor, inserting themselves in the social fights in Latin America. We intent to discuss the possibilities and limits of a christian socialist proposal built based on conflicting teorical purposes which is the case of the marxist materialism and the catolic doutrine that refuses it. The relationship between social imaginariness and political practices constitutes the main point of this analysis which has the purpose to verify how the imaginariness constitutes itself from different conflicts transforming itself in weapons of fight which orients the practices of the agents involved in this process.


história e teologia history of america história da igreja história da nicarágua church history história da américa history of nicaragua history of revolutions história das revoluções history and theology

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