Theatre in groups trajectories and relationships: impressions of a visitor / Teatro de grupo trajetórias e relações: impressões de uma visitante




This research paper aims to investigate the structure and relationships within existing and stable theatre groups. This paper analyses 5 groups established in the early 1990 s, having a body of work of considerable importance both at the local and national level. The groups under consideration are based in the south and south-east regions of Brazil: Cia Carona (Blumenau/SC); Vigor Mortis Curitiba/PR); Falos &Stercus (Porto Alegre/RS), Teatro da Vertigem (São Paulo/SP) and Os dezequilibrados (Rio de Janeiro/RJ). The current work combines bibliographic and field research. Emphasis is laid on factors that influence the establishment of the collective identity, such as, analysis and mapping of the group organization, delegation of artistic and administrative tasks, the level and types of relationship established between the group members and their environment. A second objective of this work is to highlight the differences and the survival strategies of theatre groups based at distinct locations. At the end of this paper the profiles of the five theatrical groups are presented with the intent of providing the reader an opportunity to ponder on the artistic reality of contemporaneous theatre groups. This may serve as research material to directors, actors and researchers concerned with the recent history and experience of Brazilian theatre


teatro existence modes redes de relacionamentos teatro brasileiro teatro e sociedade theatre in group teatro de grupo relationship grid teatro e sociedade modos de sobrevivência theatre and society

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