The work of Nielle Puig-Vergès and her contribution to health psychology and human development / A obra de Nielle Puig-Vergès e sua contribuição para a psicologia da saúde e desenvolvimento humano




The research and the investigative clinic, in the context of early psychosis, raise questions concerning the interfaces of Medicine and Psychology. The change in a nosography worried with classification and diagnosis, as traditionally shown by specialized compendiums, becomes essential, in order to include a temporal dimension of psychopathological processes, bringing an unavoidable redefinition of the functions of both the physician and the psychologist. This dissertation presents the work of Nielle Puig-Vergès and her method of comparative clinic epistemology in the therapeutic and diagnostic activities concerning autistic and psychotic children, together with their families. The author has as main theoretical references the philosophical tradition of Husserl s phenomenology and the psychoanalytical path defined by Freud, Ferenczi and Bion. In this dissertation, it will be discussed the deep theoretical and methodological changes needed_to put into effect the change from a model of attendance based on the preoccupation with classifying diseases to a model in which the professionals engaged should be able of, in the limit, creating a specific therapeutic language with each one of their patients. The work of Puig-Vergès gives the framework for the constitution and organization of multidisciplinary teams in the context of this new focus on the health, and not on the disease.


autismo psicanálise atitudes do terapeuta autism phenomenology therapist attitudes childhood psychosis psychoanalysis fenomenologia psicologia da saúde psicose infantil health care psychology

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