The visual deficiency for the adolescents: the vision of the nurse. / A deficiência visual para os adolescentes: o olhar da enfermeira.




The visual deficiency is understood as the visual loss that cannot be corrected with lenses. Its precocious detention, preferential in infancy, can prevent the severe complications as the delay in the neuropsicomotor development and the social interactions. However, a field where the studies if disclose incipient, mainly in the understanding of the effective necessities and challenges faced for the people with visual deficiency, in special the adolescents, visa to be in an accented period of physical, psychological and social changes had been the beepers for the construction of this study. Therefore, the same she had for inquiry object the knowledge of the experiences lived deeply for the adolescents with visual deficiency, breaking itself of the estimated one of that this can face situations of difficulties, not only for its condition, but also for the constructed social vision historically, of that people with deficiency are called invalid, incapacitated, defective, bonanza, limited and incomplete beings. It was had as objective of the study: To analyze the meaning of the visual deficiency for the adolescents of a specialized institution of Salvador - Bahia. One is about a qualitative, descriptive research with arrives in port metodológico Verbal History and as referencial theoretician for the quarrel of the empirical data, the Statute of the Child and Adolescente (ECA); the rights of the people with deficiency, in the Brazilian and international legislation and the estimated theoreticians of identity of Erick Erikson (1987). The citizens had been 16 adolescents in the etária band of 12 the 18 years, whose given they had been collected by means of half-structuralized interview and analyzed according to thematic analysis of Bardin (2007). Of it four categories had emerged: To be adolescent with visual deficiency; The adolescent in the socialization spaces; The adolescent and the use of the cane and the Adolescent and its projects for the future. The results had demonstrated the confrontations of the adolescents with visual deficiency for the superprotection of the responsible parents/; isolation, discrimination, and violence in some instances of the society, beyond the locomotion and learning difficulties; as well as inadequate and precarious situations in the assistance the health, in the pertaining to school and social inclusion, if opposing in conceptual terms, ideological politicians and of relative the current questions to the people with visual deficiency. Analysis the nursing in the prevention and detention of ocular problems, in the of tracoma, the neonatologia, the selection of ocular alterations; in the diverse forms of attention, the work with the body of the people with visual deficiency, in the orientation of the genetic and orientation to the families. It questions to the formation of the nurses, as a fragile point, that pressures the future of these professionals in the magnifying of challenging functions; as well as the creation of groups of research in the courses of Nursing, making possible that the research and the extension develop new looks on this problematic one.


deficiência visual nursing enfermagem de doencas contagiosas visual deficiency adolescência, enfermagem adolescence

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