The utilization of Wavelets transforms in the extraction of characteristics and patterns recognition in ECG signals / Utilização das transformadas Wavelets na extração de características e no reconhecimento de padrão em um sinal de ECG




Presently doctors and medical professionals are having the aid of support systems for diagnosis which include in their data base expertise knowledge, acquired mainly through empirical observation of heuristics applied to their diagnosis which translate partially, to the technical application used. In the systems which aid diagnosis, more specifically in electrocardiograms, the methods of pattern recognition simulate the skills of the cardiologist, when, from a set of characteristics extracted from the signal, it is possible to infer a determined heart condition, indicated by some cardiopathy. The electrocardiogram signal constitutes the measurement of the electrical activity associated with the heart and this process uses the algorithm which presents some difficulties: the variation of wave morphology, physiological conditions and the presence of noise. The utilization of wavelet transforms may represent a valuable tool for analyzing ECG, once they allow by means of the function mother wavelet, to enhance of the wave forms which integrate the electrocardiogram register. This research proposes the utilization of continuous wavelet transforms to detect the occurrence of waves which are part of an electrocardiogram, more specifically the QRS and waves P and T.


wavelet redes de computação pattern recognition processamento de sinais reconhecimento de padrão signal processing ecg ciencia da computacao

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