The use of infrared thermographic imaging for pulp vitality evaluation in vivo / Ensaio sobre o uso da termografia infravermelha na avaliação da vitalidade pulpar in vivo




Nowadays, it is known that the determination of the pulp vitality testing only its nerve sensorial response through thermal or electrical tests is discussable because those procedures are not sufficiently sensitive to determine the degree of pulp involvement. Besides the vitality of the pulp does not only depend on its nerve condition, but on its blood supply too. Another factor to consider during the pulp diagnostic, independently of the nature of stimulus or their intensity, is the possibility to occur non reliable responses in excessively anxious patients face to the dentistry treatment. The diagnosis of the pulp vitality by the measurement of the dental crown temperature such as the infrared thermography (which evaluates the temperature distribution in a body through the radiation emitted by its surface) arises as a possibility to overcome the sensitivity tests disadvantages, for example: the stimulation necessity, the variants due to the thickness of the dentin and enamel, the age, the condition of the dental structure and etc. This study evaluated the applicability of the infrared thermography test in the analysis of temperatures decline produced by thermal test using cold spray, and its viability as an aid for the endodontic diagnostic. Using thermal imaging, this methodology analyzed the temperature of the crowns surface of four teeth with vitality and two endodontically treated teeth when submitted to the cold test with and without the use of rubber dam. The results did not show a significant difference between teeth conditions with regard to the crowns surface temperature and the use of rubber dam did not affect these results. The proposed methodology used in this study showed to be highly efficient to analyzing the thermal changes on the dental surface; however new studies must be performed to turn infrared thermography a practicable aid into the endodontic practice.


endodontic thermography diagnóstico diagnosis termografia endodontia

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