The use of indicative and subjunctive moods in secondary school / Emprego do indicativo e do subjuntivo em redações do ensino médio




The present study focuses on the USE OF VERBAL MOODS AND TENSES in pattern written texts. Its proposal is, after the analysis of argumentative essays written by students on the last grades of High School (Ensino Médio) and the examination of wrongly constructed phrases in those texts, to systematize and orientate THE USE OF VERBAL MOODS AND THE AGREEMENT OF TENSES as a way of constructing phrases, making semantic-synthetic rules explicit. Its also an aim of this dissertation to point out the use of the Indicative and of the Subjunctive, as well as that of the consecutio temporum, as a relevant grammatical topic for the development of essay writing competence in argumentative essays, in accordance with what is expected from students at this final stage of Schooling. In order to achieve these aims, at the end of this study, didactic activities are proposed so as to help the teacher to avoid mistakes of that kind in his students written performance.


argumentative essays língua portuguesa - tempo verbal língua portuguesa línguística subjuntivo subjunctive modos verbais indicativo verbal moods língua portuguesa - estudo e ensino lingua portuguesa redação indicative

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