The U.S. Generalized System of Preferences: an estimate of the impacts on the Brazilian exports / O Sistema Geral de Preferência dos EUA:uma estimativa dos impostos sobre as exportações brasileiras




The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), main example of the preferential tariff concessions offered unilaterally by developed countries, has been used by developing countries for more than 30 years. The U.S. GSP, one of the most important programs to Brazil, has been causing some apprehension due to threats made by the U.S. to exclude this country from the program. Furthermore, the constant possibility of a program restructure at the moment of its renewal brings hesitation to the exporting sector that fears to suffer a great loss. This study was structured with the intention to estimate the loss to the Brazilian exports to the U.S. if Brazil is excluded from the list of beneficiaries of GSP. Using a partial equilibrium model, the total effect on the exports was calculated through the effects of trade creation and trade diversion. The results imply a decrease of US$ 393 millions of exports destined to U.S. and this loss would be very much concentrated on a few specific sectors.


generalized system of preferences(gsp) partial equilibrium model modelo de equilíbrio parcial economia internacional brazilian exports exportações brasileiras sistema geral de preferências(sgp)

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