The territoriality of the Bank of Brazil in the "age of telecommunications" / A territorialidade do Banco do Brasil na 'era das telecomunicações'




This research aims to understand and analyze the effect that the advent of the commercial Internet produced on the territoriality of Bank of Brazil (Banco do Brasil), between 1995 and 2006, during the period known as the "electronic communications" era". This phase is strongly marked by questions related to globalization, to the increasing speed of financial capital transit and to commercial Internet"s great development. The period analyzed was divided in three distinct moments. The first one, from 1995 to 1998, corresponds to the phase of implantation of the commercial Internet in Brazil and in the Bank of Brazil. The second, from 1998 to 2002, in which Internet spread through Brazilian society and when public access was made available to all clients of Bank of Brazil. The third moment covers from 2003 to 2006, when Internet consolidated itself as a important media and when Bank of Brazil started to use it in a more strategically way. In our perspective, for each one of these moments, there is a particular territoriality related to the diffusion of Internet in the interior of Bank of Brazil, society and territory.


territoriality location e network territorialidade internet localização e rede banco do brasil banco do brasil internet

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