The territoriality of "Posse" in struggle for land reform the MST camps in Iaras ? SP / Territorialidade da "posse" na luta pela reforma agraria : os Acampamentos do MST em Iaras (SP)




The current study aims to present the territoriality of the camps organinazed by MST Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (Landless Rural Workers Movement) located at Iaras- São Paulo, Brazil, starting from the critical analysis of the social movement, looking for the genesis of the land concentration and of the landless in the territorial formation of the country. From 1995 on, MST begins its occupations. The first one ends up on the settlements Zumbi dos Palmares (government authorized land after the occupation and pressure by MST). The rest of the encamped went through a long waiting period for the authorized release of the land, which caused the departure of many people, and the need for managing surviving strategies. The encamped assert the land?s possession by setting up black canvas tents, and in some cases establishing small plantations and animal breeding. The organization of the first camps is maintained by a set of rules and discipline, which contrasts with the values and the previous life of the encamped, causing innumerous quarrels. The camped situation reveals great instability. They subjected to violence that comes from landholder, and stigma for being a landless. This study uses as methodology qualitative research, using techniques like: life histories, oral accounts, interviews, questionnaire, participating observation and research at the State institutions that are responsible for the process of Land Reform


land reform -landless rural work movement assentamentos humanos geografia humana setlements reforma agraria

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