The supranational collective bargaining and the contemporary social conflicts: the new internationalism to counter-hegemonic emancipatory struggles / A negociaÃÃo coletiva supranacional e os conflitos sociais contemporÃneos: do novo internacionalismo operÃrio Ãs lutas emancipatÃrias contra-hegemÃnicas




This study, based on studies in law, the doctrine and articles from various authors, focuses initially supranational collective bargaining and the contemporary social conflicts, through the approach of the new internationalism of emancipatory counter-hegemonic struggles. Presented as objective analysis of new areas of collective bargaining. Tries to bring the history of worker training in the context of contractual individualism forged in the liberal state, to examine the possible evolution of the emergence of the working class. Differentiation is made between sources of the Labor Law. It supports the thought that as the Labor Law was born of the struggles workers, this is the last option that best fits, especially when it is expressed in the field ultraliberalism and there is a need for tracing the movement organized collectives. The theoretical and practical reconfiguration of collective bargaining as a source of production of labor-law must be synchronized with these phenomena. Many movements are addressed ludismo, chartism, scientific socialism and anarchism. The rise of unionism and its development are dealt with. The discussion on the difficulties of private law to frame theoretically dogmatic and collective bargaining on their legal matter is also in this study. The way the doctrine treats the traditional collective bargaining is exposed. The Brazilian experience iis shown and reporting of comparative law on the negotiating process of formation of non-state standard. Finally, it is the issue concerning the structural unemployment and the importance of strength of workers who perform the work immaterial to the strengthening of collective movements. Finally, the subject of collective bargaining and the new theories under the Labor Law are widely discussed, the idea is developing a vision in the New Labor Internationalism. As a conclusion, the culmination of the process of supranational integration which confirms the global movement by finding the presence of the protest against the third conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO), held on 30 November 1999 in Seattle, 50 thousand people from different segments is also studied


movimento coletivo collective movement operÃrio global direito do trabalho global labor law processo negocial worker negotiating process direito

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